The World Is Waiting for Your Story
Empowering authors & leaders to bring their vision to life through expert book coaching, guidance, ghostwriting, seamless publishing navigation, marketing, and PR.

Are you ready to become a published author?
Bridgetta collaborates with entrepreneurs & authors to develop powerful books and navigate the entire publishing journey.
As a seasoned story weaver, she helps clients articulate their unique narratives, aligning their personal and professional goals. By authentically embodying your mission, your book will naturally emerge, serving as a testament to your journey and a catalyst for career growth.

Which Publishing Strategy Aligns With Your Vision?
Take This FREE 60-Second Quiz To Discover "Which Publishing Strategy Aligns With Your Vision?" and Get Your FREE Custom Publishing Strategy Report TODAY!
Authors Launched by Bridgetta
The #1 Author Alchemist, Pr, & Media Marketing For Entrepreneurs & Authors
Here’s How I Can Support You:
Author Alchemist: Official Book Proposal Template
Navigate Your Book Proposal Journey with Ease
Author Alchemy: Book Coaching, Proposals, & Pitching
Capture your brilliance in written form to amplify your brand, generate more sales, and become a sought-after speaker!by writing a book!
Turn your brilliance into a book idea that makes publishers want to sign and pay you before you even finish your manuscript!
Writing a book helps you land more events and get on more stages in front of audiences that hang on your every word. Skyrocket your authority & Brand!
Business & Brand Alchemy Coaching
“Fast Track to Sales in 90 Days" is a transformative group coaching mastermind that provides a strategic approach to aligning all aspects of your business and branding, ensuring optimal organization and efficiency for a significant boost in sales within three months or less!
Public Relations
Media Placements, Tours, Speaking Engagements
Get your work, message, business, and brand in front of more people with better press, media, collaborations, and the right connections.
Over 20 Years In The Industry
Accelerate sales, gain clarity, and purpose, expand your audience , eliminate self-doubt, and confidently charge what your work truly deserves.
Want To Know The Secret On How To Get Paid To Write Your Book And Skyrocket Your Career For “BOOKED OUT” Success?
I reveal valuable, tangible, and priceless takeaways to put into action.
What They’re Saying
"The best investment I've made for my business. I've had more media placements in 6 months than I had over the span of years. Bridgetta and I work closely on strategy. branding and my vision - most of all she takes my vision to a level beyond what I even see. Bridgetta is insanely knowledgeable, passionate and combines her background. love for what she does and for her clients, with her, go- getter ambition and you have the exact person you'd want in your corner! If you're wanting to take your brand to the next-level. get noticed and viewed as an expert. increase your visibility and up-level your your career!"
Weight Loss Expert & Transformation Coach
"I'm elated to partner with Wadjet PR. Consulting, and Management. I believe in collaboration. leadership, and following your heart. Wadjet PR is the company I trust to expand my vision into the US market and beyond. Together we will continue to spread my mission through the smile of a child, the health of a nation, and from the heart."
Duchess of York
"I knew that I had found my perfect match for PR and business management...they truly know how to take your vision and mission and amplify it to a whole new level. I've had many wonderful opportunities as a result of our work together that's expanded my visibility and message across North America. From being featured in major press publications and magazines online to interviews on television, podcasts, and radio shows as well as an expanded social media presence: it's been a dream come true! I'm now impacting an industry that I wasn't sure how I could even break into"
International Spiritual Teacher & Speaker

Amplify Your Authority In Your Industry To Generate More Sales
A 8-week incubator to getting published (and paid) for your genius.
Capture Your Brilliance In Written Form, Get Paid For It. While Increasing Your Business’ Sales
Let me guess… you’ve never considered putting your thoughts and ideas down on paper, pitching your ideas to a publisher, and then getting paid before writing the whole thing?
Whether you’ve dreamed about writing a book or it’s never crossed your mind - for someone who’s here to serve a higher purpose i know that your work is meant to be discovered.
I’m here to show you how from start to finish and front to back. (pun intended! )
This is where i come in! I get absolutely lit up helping coaches and celebs get published, paid …and popular.
Amplify your brand & increase sales by activating your authority and becoming a published author.
Bridgetta Tomarchio, known as the "Author Alchemist™," is a dynamic PR strategist, book coach, and seasoned writer with a knack for transforming visionary ideas into published success. With experience spanning roles from assistant to celebrities and A-list talent manager to actress and publicist, she brings invaluable insights to every project. Bridgetta writes across genres—from business and self-help to thrillers, romance, and children’s books—and is an active member of the International Thriller Writers Association and The Authors Guild. Bridgetta balances her PR expertise with hands-on storytelling and a dedication to helping others amplify their voices.
Discover how Bridgetta’s unique approach can elevate your story and brand:
Life Changing Information Below!
10 “red-carpet-worthy” Steps
To Have A Swarm Of Free Media Attention In Less Than 60 Days
And Get More Clients And Sales Than You Know What To Do
With-100% Guaranteed-

Pr & Media Marketing For
The Chartered Path To Becoming An Industry-authority & Leader (in 7 Steps)
Want to break onto the scene like a supernova?
Want to stand out and shine amongst your peers?
Want more opportunities to share your work?
Want to reach more people?
Want to get on stage?
Here Are The Steps To Make That Happen…
Power Position
Is your message and mission clear? Is it clear that you’re an expert or an authority on a topic (or two)? And do you provide value?
Are you polished and ‘platform’ ready?
With a clear message and mission for the work you do now, are your platform ready? A double meaning. If you want to be on stage (on TV, podcast guest, article feature, etc.), your platform (website, social media channels, your audience) need to be ready. With a cohesive brand and platform - you become more desirable for niche and big media - and therefore much easier to market. As a VIP in a one-on-one session, this is where we go over how to dress, talk, and speak for interviews, media, and all forms of publicity so you have the tools to ensure you hit the mark for all the things you need to do, say, and share that connect and reach with your ideal audience. Channels vary based on you, your work, and your brand.
“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity”. ”
— Seneca
From niche to mass media, depending on how clear your message is, the market you’re speaking to, where your idea client is, and how professional and polished you are determines the types of media or content channels and the tier your publicist (me) will pitch to on your behalf. What tier or category do you fall into?
Pop the champagne and celebrate with your dearest, because this moment is your chance to acknowledge how far you’ve come. From clarifying your message and purpose, readying your plaform, and pitching your work. When the platforms you’ve been on have published your voice - you’ve been introduced to more peole and as a result your audience is growing. More people are listening and watching. Your message is out there and the work you’ve done is serving its higher purpose…
You’ve laid the foundation and groundwork now, and it’s time for you to simply show up and present your message and authority. Whether you’re a guest on a popular podcast, an expert interviewed on a nationally televised morning show, or quoted in a major publication - you’ve done the work to position yourself and present - this is your time to shine!
Whether your desire is to live a more comfortable life financially, do more for humanity through raising funds for causes and being someone who is called to philanthropy, or both - this is when you can see the financial impact of your message. The more lives you reach, the more your audience grows, and the greater your impact
Pop the champagne and celebrate with your dearest, because this moment is your chance to acknowledge how far you’ve come. From clarifying your message and purpose, readying your plaform, and pitching your work. When the platforms you’ve been on have published your voice - you’ve been introduced to more peole and as a result your audience is growing. More people are listening and watching. Your message is out there and the work you’ve done is serving its higher purpose…
Seven Steps To Becoming Powerful, Popular, And Profitable?
Power Position